Workshops 2022

The free workshop series, hosted by the TRM Summer School, is designed and moderated by Prof. Dr. Serena Volo

In 2022 TRM workshops will be held online in the form of Webinars and will have a short duration from one hour to three hours.

In 2022 participation to TRM workshops will be free of charges.

Structuring Tourism Experiences by Prof. Dr. Daniel Fesenmaier

Bruneck and online on TEAMS on December 12th, 2022, at 11 am (Rome time zone)

Abstract: The touristic experience is one of the most important and considered concept within tourism research.  The presentation summarizes some of this research while focusing on its underlying structure(s) and several implications for tourism management practices.

Daniel R. Fesenmaier has worked at Temple University and University of Florida, and he is Visiting Professor at Modul University Vienna. He is author and co-editor of several publications and books focusing on tourism design, information technology, and destination management and has worked extensively in developing computer-based tools for managing tourism places. He serves as editor for the Annals of Tourism Research curated collection on Tourism Design. He is a Fellow and First Vice President, International Academy for the Study of Tourism and has received awards for excellence in research including the Travel and Tourism Research Association Lifetime Achievement Award (TTRA), Hannes Werthner Tourism and Technology Lifetime Achievement Award (IFITT), Michael D. Olsen Research Award (University of Delaware), Medal of Exceptional Scholarly Achievement and Faculty Research Award, Temple University.

This workshop is organized by the Research Cluster on Tourism, Marketing and Regional Development & TOMTE at unibz, moderated by Prof. Dr. Serena Volo and Prof. Dr. Federico Boffadesigned in collaboration withTourism Research Methods School and Workshops at and the Emerald international peer-reviewed journal Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality (CBTH).

You can visit his Google Scholar page at Daniel Fesenmaier

Writing a literature review by Prof. Dr. Noel Scott

Online on TEAMS May 26th, 2022, at 10 am (GMT+2)
Online on TEAMS August 4th, 2022, at 10.30 am (GMT+2)

This workshop is organized in collaboration with the Emerald international peer-reviewed journal Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality (CBTH) 

In this workshop Prof. Dr. Noel Scott will discuss the purpose of different types of literature reviews and provide some suggestions on how to write each type. The ability to write a literature review is vital for a successful academic and the basis for a useful research project. There are a variety of different purposes for writing a literature review although the central purpose is to provide a relevant conclusion from analysis and synthesis of the relevant literature. In a PhD, a literature review should begin by broadly identifying the topic, the various academic approaches and theories used to study it and then justify the choice of successively narrower ‘parts’ of that literature such that one (or a few) theoretically important research question within a conceptual framework is/are identified and justified as important. A journal review paper instead reviews a topic, usually from one disciplinary perspective, identifying and analysing the various substantive theoretical issues, points of agreement and debate and provides a synthesis and contribution to new knowledge. A bibliographic literature review examines the relevant literature on a topic, and provides some descriptive analysis of it, but does not usually seek to contribute to new knowledge. As such bibliographic literature reviews are not easily publishable in a research journal as any such article must make a novel contribution to theoretical or methodological knowledge. The presentation will be followed by discussion with participants.

Speaker: Professor Noel Scott

Noel Scott, PhD is Adjunct Professor of Tourism Management in the Sustainable Research Centre, University of Sunshine Coast, Queensland, and Centre for Tourism Research, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia, Australia.  He has worked as a tourism consultant and academic researcher for 26 years. His research interests include the study of tourism experiences, and destination management and marketing. He is a frequent speaker at academic and industry conferences. He has over 300 academic publications including 17 books. He has supervised 30 doctoral students to successful completion of their theses. He is on the Editorial Board of 10 journals, a member of the International Association of China Tourism Scholars and a Fellow of the Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education. Professor Scott has an interest in how to write good literature reviews as it is a vital skill for an academic and researcher. He is the Literature Reviews Editor for Current Issues in Tourism and has taught courses on writing a literature review for both doctoral students and early career academics. He is also Associate editor of the Emerald journal Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality (CBTH).

You can visit his Google Scholar page at Noel Scott

Prof. Scott can be reached at